


All of these assignments are on Google Classroom


This Week's Assignments:  (Note that they are all on the hyper-doc that is attached to Google Classroom)


Language Arts:

Log-into Epic books:  Read Chapter 12-15 In By the Great Horn Spoon. Complete comprehension questions and vocabulary for each chapter and turn in.  The assignments are on Google Classroom. You will be taking 2 quizzesthis week Chapters 11-12 and 13-14. You will be completing a FLIP GRID assignment about Theme if you have not completed this assignment.




Go Math Chapter 6 test and Lessons 7.1 .Look at the table for each day on the hyperdoc for your assignments.  On Monday and Tuesday you will be working on the chapter test. On Wednesday you will be completing 7.1 PMT. On Thursday and Friday you will be working on IXL on skills for fractions.   Check out the additional resources for each day. 


Social Studies:


Begin working on the California Symbols slide deck.  You will be reading and watching videos about important California Symbols.   This will be due Friday, May 22nd.



You will be using your design thinking skills to create a recycled toy and then present it on FLIP GRID. This is due Friday.